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How to Write an A+ Dissertation in a Day: 5 straight-to-the-point Tips to Consider

Ooh, NO!

Attempting to write a good dissertation within a 24-hour day is like trying to climb Mount Everest in flip-flopsit's not recommended.

Writing a top-notch dissertation requires a considerable amount of time, effort and dedication. But, if you're staring down the barrel of a looming deadline and feeling the pressure, don't lose hope just yet! Consider the following 5 straight-to-the-point tips, on writing an impressive dissertation, even if you’re racing against the clock.

The 5 Tips to Writing an A+ Dissertation

1.   Allocate your Time

Divide your time into manageable slots and assign specific time slots for research, writing, and editing. Take short breaks to ensure you avoid burnout and stay focused.

2. Focus on the Essentials

The most crucial sections of your dissertation, such as the introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and conclusion form the backbone of your dissertation. Focus and deal with these sections first.

3.  Stay Organized

Keep all your notes, data, and drafts organized in one place. Use headings and subheadings to organize your thoughts and keep your writing clear and concise.

4.  Prioritize your Research

Focus on the most important and relevant sources of information for your dissertation. Avoid spending too much time on sources that aren’t directly relevant to your topic.

5.  Write first, Edit later

Start by writing a rough draft of your dissertation, focusing on getting ideas down, without worrying too much about formatting. Once you have a complete draft, edit and revise it for clarity, accuracy, and style.

REMEMBER, unlike writing a 3-page research proposal, crafting a good dissertation in a single day is as good as attempting an impossibility. That said, when writing a dissertation against a close deadline, it's important to manage your expectations and prioritize the most important sections. It's also important to seek feedback from your colleagues and supervisor to ensure that your work is of high quality.

The author – Gift Chirairo – of this blog post is a veteran Academic Research Consultant who helps students of all levels (Undergraduates and Postgraduates) work their way through undertaking and writing research. Contact him here (alternatively, click the popping green WhatsApp icon) if you need some help in Proposal OR Dissertation writing.